To be eligible for Financial Aid from the Diocese of Springfield, you must comply with the following requirements:
Must attend a Catholic school (home school education and online schools are not eligible).
Must be enrolled in grades K-12 (Pre-K students are not eligible for Diocesan Financial Aid).
Must demonstrate financial need according to the diocesan guidelines. Please note that for 2024-2025 the parameters to qualify for financial aid have been updated. If a family qualified last year, it is not a guarantee they will qualify this year.
Must complete a new financial aid application through FACTS online each year.
Applications are accepted online through FACTS as of January 1, 2024 for the 2024-2025 school year. Any applications submitted prior to January 1, will not be processed.
Please note: Financial Aid is awarded on a first come- first serve basis so it is imperative to submit your application in a timely manner. A completed application is not a guarantee of assistance.
To apply online, log on to
Returning users, enter your username and password. New users, click Register.
Be sure to send FACTS your 1040 Income Tax Form for 2023 and your W-2 statement(s) for 2023. Please note: If you choose the “I do not file” field, you will be required to submit documentation of income.
Currently there is a $40.00 fee to apply for financial aid. Your application is not complete until all documentation is received and the fee is paid. Please note: FACTS can take up to four weeks to process your application.
Once you have completed the application, please do not make any changes before contacting the Diocesan Financial Aid Office.
Completed FACTS applications will be processed by the Diocesan Financial Aid Office in rounds occurring in March, April, May and June, 2024. Once FACTS has verified your application, the Diocesan Financial Aid Office will review each application to determine eligibility; acceptance/denial letters or emails are then sent to the families.
Applications for the 2024-2025 school year will be accepted in FACTS until June 15, 2024 or until funds have been depleted. Applications from returning families that are submitted after 6/15 will not be processed. The exception to this is if a new family is applying for aid, assuming aid is still available.
If you have any questions about the Diocesan Financial Aid Application Requirements or Procedures, please don’t hesitate to call the Diocesan Financial Aid Office at 413.568.5692. Ask for Julie Fregeau.
Important Facts about Diocesan Financial Aid
Qualifying parameters have been updated for the 2024-2025 school year. There is no guarantee that if a family qualified last year that they will still qualify this year. This change is a result of fewer available funds and the need to stretch available funds to the families that are in the most need.
Diocesan Financial Aid is given apart from other assistance programs, scholarships, tuition aid and parish subsidies.
Diocesan Financial Aid is awarded per student, not per family.
Schools may offer their own financial aid assistance programs. Contact your school for more information.
Students in elementary school may receive as much as $600.00 in Diocesan Financial Aid, if eligible.
Students in high school may receive as much as $1,200.00 in Diocesan Financial Aid, if eligible.
Students, who attend Mater Dolorosa School or Blessed Sacrament School in Holyoke, may receive as much as $1,000.00 in Diocesan Financial Aid, if found eligible for the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Tuition Aid Endowment. We are grateful for this additional assistance from the former Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Holyoke.
Students, who live in Springfield, belong to a parish in Springfield and attend a Catholic School in Springfield, may receive as much as $800.00 in Diocesan Financial Aid, if eligible for the St. Thomas Aquinas/St. Joseph Tuition Aid Endowment. We are also grateful to these two former Springfield Churches for this additional assistance.